Naomi Lin - Week 1 Power of Language


The Power of Language

Words shape our thoughts, and in turn, words shape our worlds. 

Words influence, connect. They bring people together, but also drive them apart. As people grow, they learn from their surroundings and the things they hear. When the consistently hear negative things about themselves, they will slowly begin to believe them, and ultimately begin to embody those things. The words subconsciously penetrate into people’s minds, shaping their thoughts. Then, they begin acting upon those thoughts, changing the world and aligning it with their thoughts. 

The influence of words is clear. On the first day of school, you can begin a conversation with someone new and find an irreplaceable friend, but you can also stay silent and alone. On a bad day, you could take your anger out on your friend, or mind your language and recognize the consequences of using harmful words. The thing about words is that you can’t take them back. Even if there is no physical evidence, the people who heard will remember, even far into the future. 

It also takes hold in the bigger picture. Rumors can taint someone’s reputation to the point where they are unable to participate in society. Negative words are invisible pollutants. There was an experiment where a researcher spoke negative words to one cup of water while saying positive words to the other. When frozen, the praised water had beautiful crystals while the insulted water had ugly crystals. 

Words are not just letters or sounds. They have power, and you can use this power for the better.


Simran said…
Hi Naomi. I think it is interesting how the words we say impact our lives so much. I do not often completely think through what I am saying, and it is always a bit surprising when the words I say make such a difference. I feel that actions are valued much more than words. This might be also the reason people think more before they act than before they speak. This could be because actions often tend to have more visible results that one can see, unlike words, so people forget how words can also have consequences.
Angel Susantin said…
Hi Naomi,
In AP Psych, we’re learning about social learning and the effects of language on human behavior, and I’m pleased to make connections with your blog! Those around us model while we imitate, carrying these behaviors with us as we grow up. Us being exceptionally social creatures, our words hold the great power of influence. However, I think it pays to keep in mind that not everything people say deserves to hold power over us. Mean comments are so easy to say, but can really ruin someone’s mentality. As you said, we truly have the power to use words for the better, but there are some people who abuse this power.
-Angel Susantin
Erika Luo said…
Hi Naomi,
I definitely agree that words have shaped our worlds. I truly believe in the power of words, as they can end, change, and create lives. A single word to another person can lead to marriage; and a single word can push someone to end another's life. I think that we should be mindful of our words, but I admit it can be hard to keep in mind the power of our words. A technique that I heard when watching a video is passing your words through three mental gates. The three gates are "Is it kind?", "Is it necessary?", and "Is it true?". I think that this technique is really helpful in choosing your words wisely,, and I want to try to intergrade it into my life.
I agree with the idea that words shape the way people look at the world. It could be surprising how more damaging language be compared to physical violence as ideas could be used to change people's mental states. Thus, I believe that thinking carefully before speaking is very important when communicating with others.
Mrinmayee Sama said…
Hi Naomi,

I really liked how you phrased your blog because it seemed very wise if that makes sense. I agree with your opinion that negative words influence a person's personality and in turn, their outlook on life. Fake it till you make it is a far fetched idea relating to this blog but it convinces people to think about the good in life instead of focusing on something that is hurting you. To avoid this negativeness, I think that compliments and other sorts of positive ideas can be taken into consideration.

Faith Tong said…
Hi Naomi,
I like the point you made about how words cannot be taken back. This just goes on to show how powerful words are on not only ourselves but other people as well. To me, it’s a reminder to think before I speak because when I’m angry or annoyed. Whenever I do speak out of my temper it never ends well. I also found it interesting how even water can react to the words that come out of our mouths. I guess our words can not only affect people but also other living things!

Faith Tong
angie cheng said…
Hey Naomi, I love how you are discussing how one's personality can be altered by another's words. Language is powerful in all the good and bad reasons at the same time. It really is a double edge sword that can strike at any time. I always do my best to praise everyone around and for the little things too. Like that one phrase goes, a little bit of happiness can go a long way :))
Andrew Chao said…
Hi Naomi,
I do agree with the fact that once an individual is surrounded by an environment that constantly gives them words that carry negatively, they will start thinking negatively about themselves. Being told the same bad things over and over again make them look for a change whether for the good and bad. Compliments are one way to go, and I feel it is the real motivation for people to do better and enjoy being accepted into the society thought positively by others.
isabel lemus said…
Hi Naomi,
I really enjoyed reading your blog. I really liked the part when you mentioned that people can change due to a few mean words said to their face. I can relate to this in a way. When other’s jokingly or not say something rude I break down, I feel so bitter and sad. My thoughts alter the way I am sometimes too, I often critique myself negatively in my own head and my mood just shifts, in a bad way. I also agree with your statement, “words are not just letters or sounds. They have power, and you can use this power for the better.” Words are indeed beautiful and should be used in a more positive and pleasing manner.


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