Mrinmayee Sama (Week 5) - Hi I'm Dory

Mrinmayee Sama - Week 5

Hi I'm Dory

I am the dory... 

Cute little gif cus why not 😊 

Mom: Go upstairs and get the charger from your room 

Me: ugh fine 

*goes into my room #forgets what I am supposed to get* 

"I have short-term memory loss," everyone says this because they want to fill up the time while trying to remember something which is concerning to forget and also to appear funny in front of people (#mrinmayee core fr). I'll remember the weirdest things that happened 6 years ago but won't remember a question on a test that happened 10 minutes ago. But on a serious note, short-term memory is the effect of trauma on the head and there is a lot of science behind this condition. 

Dementia, my segway into connecting memory with language WOOHOO. The Alzheimer's Association defines dementia as "a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life." Now this is hella sav bruh (this sentence just summarized the purpose of my blog LOL). Alzheimer’s is a specific disease that causes dementia, but that gets into the specifics and makes this a science lesson which I really don't want πŸ™ƒ. 

Dementia doesn't only affect the way people think, but also the way they form sentences and how long it takes for them to correlate a name with an object. Imagine trying to roast someone and taking too long to find the perfect ruins the mood. I always think that language is a door to your personality. For example, if someone talks slow then I think they are usually calm, but if someone talks really fast, I think that they are jumpy and excited. Well, that's it for this week (hashtag had writer's block while writing this so sorry if it's so unconnected LOL). 

Wors Cited:,help%20those%20affected%20by%20Alzheimer's.

Photo Source


Simran said…
Hi Mrinmayee. I liked how you had an anecdote at the top of your post, which I thought was very interesting. I can relate to that because I often forget what I am supposed to be doing or what someone said to me in the mornings because I am too sleepy to focus on a task. Like you, I also often forget what questions are on the test (especially for math), but I think that is more because I do not want to think about the test any more than I have to. Personally, I tend to forget things if I purposefully try not to think about them. Does that also happen for you?
Naomi Lin said…
Hi Mrinmayee,
I also have bad short term memory sometimes. I like the anecdote you started with because I have experienced similar things before. I often go upstairs to get something, but end up in my bedroom doing nothing. Dementia, like you mentioned before, is very devastating. Forgetting basic things like speaking and your identity is super sad and hard. Things like this make me grateful that my memory does work and that I am very fortunate that none of my family members suffer from it.
Angel Susantin said…
Hi Mrinmayee
It’s a bit embarrassing, but I get called out by my own mom that I have the memory of a grandmother. I don’t blame her, though (all the pencil boxes and water bottles I lost in elementary school speak for themselves). But, I think I can confirm that I do not, in fact, have dementia (at least not yet). On a side note, I think that dementia is alarmingly scary. Perhaps not for the person who has dementia, but just imagine just having holes in your memory, not being able to remember your loved ones, or not being able to communicate properly. I agree with you that language is a door to your personality, which is why when we’re not able to communicate properly, humans being a social species, we will come off as … well … off.
-Angel Susantin
Erika Luo said…
Hi Mrinmayee,
I relate to this phenomenon way too much. I’d say at least 3 times a week, I’d walk into a room to get something or I’d look up something and forget what I was supposed to actually do. I completely forgot that Dory from finding Nemo actually experiences this in the movie; I think that it’s a pretty good analogy. The anecdote that you included in the beginning of your blog adds a lot of humor into your blog which I appreciate very much. I hope that you and I can find a solution to our short term memory loss.

angie cheng said…
Hello Mrinmayee Sama(:>)
I sure LOVE forgetting small things that I need to do, and sometimes it ends up being more important to remember. Literally, I forgot my eraser today and we have the math part of the testing today SOBS. I literally shoved it in my pocket yesterday and because I chose to wear a different jacket, I forgot to get the eraser out of my pocket…very smart.
I can relate to short-term memory loss as I experience it quite often, especially when it's related to school. Every week I either forget to do homework, prepare for a test / quiz, or some writing assignment and it often gets frustrating. I use to often joke that I have dementia, but stopped after witnessing my grandparent's decline in their memory. I found the Dory and Nemo reference amusing as it took me a second to remember what happened in the movie.
Andrew Chao said…
Hi Mrinmayee,
I like the small anecdote you used at the start of the blog to get started with the central idea of this blog. I have pretty bad memory I would say, sometimes studying 40 minutes before a Chinese Test doesn't get me typically ready so then I would have to mostly rely on photographic memory thinking of the character as a picture. Funny enough I still can't remember that much as I lack some strokes or an extra one someplace somewhere. I also tend to go upstairs to finish something then forget the task i have to do downstairs.
Faith Tong said…
Hi Mrinmayee,
I loved the gif you used! Whenever someone says short term memory, my brain is automatically wired to see Dory say, “Hi, I’m Dory and I suffer from short term memory loss!”. Although Dory is supposed to be a cartoon character that is funny due to her memory loss, I honestly felt so bad after watching Finding Dory. Her struggle to remember not only her family but also the moments she had with Nemo and Marlin must have been so frustrating for her. I congratulate Marlin for his patience for Dory’s memory loss though!

Faith Tong

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