the memories that haunt us

    Memories are so pure, even magical. They are like movies playing rent-free in your head whenever you want. Memories bring back funny jokes and fun times with friends and family, they help you remember important information for a test, and memories influence how you are now.

    However, memories are like a scar, being torn open repeatedly when the painful memories are remembered. Traumatic and painful memories hold you back; the memories keep you away from joy everything because they remind you of your old hurt. But when we can never fully bounce back from the past, we will always hold that pain when the memories are lucid. It feels like you are trapped in a box, being forced to remember these horrible things that have occurred in your life, and there is no running away from them. 

    Although we wish painful memories would just go away, we want to they never occurred in the first place, but painful memories are just as important as the good ones. Painful memories keep us safe, in a healthy way for the most part. They stray us away from more hurt, and with less hurt equals more time to heal from past pain. Painful memories go hand in hand, you remember the excellent parts and feel this extraordinary indescribable feeling, and painful memories hurt so bad but indefinitely keep us safe.

    I love all my memories, the good, and even the painful ones, and I hope I will never forget them. What are your favorite memories?


Simran said…
Hi Isabel. I really liked how creative your post was and how your post was very poetic. To answer your question, my favorite memories are those of my family. Most of my favorite memories involve my family and I laughing as we play games or celebrate events. It is a bit strange in a sense because I don’t remember exactly what we were laughing about; I just remember that we were all having a lot of fun.
Naomi Lin said…
Hi Isabel,
I agree with how painful memories are important. Our memories play a huge part in making us into the people we are today. Sometimes there are some memories I do think we are better off without, but typically all of my memories are learning opportunities. Experience is what matures you, and your experiences are stored in your memory. My favorite memory is probably my trip to Taiwan in 2019. It was very fun and carefree, as long as I ignored the bad parts. I remember that before going, I was disappointed that I did not cherish my times going before, but now I look back and am disappointed that I did not cherish my time there that time either as much as I wish I would have.
Angel Susantin said…
Hi Isabel
I’m extremely thankful that I’m a forgetful person sometimes because I can barely remember the things that traumatized me as a child (which, in my case, weren’t all that traumatic). The bad memories I remember fondly of now are experiences in which I learned important life lessons, which, as you said, keep us safe, in a healthy way. I don’t really have a favorite memory, but one just off the top of my head was me coming home every day after elementary school and watching the Ghibli film, “The Cat Returns,” on our TV. I watched that movie so many times and it holds a special place in my heart for being my true introduction to Japanese animations and films.
-Angel Susantin
Erika Luo said…
Hi Isabel,
I love looking back on nostalgic heartwarming memories. One of my favorite memories in particular is when I came back from the hospital when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I had been away from my sisters for about a month, only being able to see them through occasional visits to the hospital. I really wanted to surprise them when it was finally time for me to go home, so I told my parents to not tell them that I was coming home. My sisters instantly knew that I was home though; they saw both of my parents’ cars when they were walking home and they knew that my parents wouldn’t leave me alone at the hospital. They were crying as they embraced me though; and so was I. Like you said, this heartwarming memory completely overtakes the painful memories I had in the hospital. Thank you for the insight you provided on this aspect of memory.
angie cheng said…
Hey Isabel,
Honestly, my favorite memories are with my friends and certain family members. I have fond memories of 8th grade summer before high school because it was the most carefree and anticipated summer of my lifetime. I went to Hawai’i, hung out with family and ate delicious food. Food too, is the best memory because food>>> Regardless, I just always find myself longing to revisit those memories and old friends that were super fun to hang out with.
Mrinmayee Sama said…
Hi Isabel,

Your blog post is really deep and it allows me to really appreciate the memories I have made throughout my life time. On TikTok I saw this quote that said “If you erased all your mistakes from the past, you have indirectly erased yourself”. Now this hit deep as I would think of the different bad memories I had and how it makes me who I am today. Of course I cherish the types of memories I had with friends, family, out-going strangers, but I have also learned how to love my embarrassing moments as it allows me to open to do anything. If I did so so then I can easily do this task.

Mrinmayee Sama
Andrew Chao said…
Hi Isabel,
I think it is nice to have all kinds of memories as the worst memories make up more of who you are than the good ones. I say that you learn from past mistakes and grow from them. You will feel proud that you grew from them. Memories with friends and families is always fun however you realize sometimes some memories give you to the need to cherish those memories than which other ones would provide These larger memories scream to you and encourage you to do better and are an actual reflection of your past self-reminding you once every instance just like how dreams are derived from similar memories.
Your summary of memories is quite insightful. I agree that both good and bad memories are important as they all teach something valuable. My favorite memory is my trip to China as I got a lot of freedom and an opportunity to visit my birthplace for the first time in 12 years. Looking back, I believe that actual events arent usually cherished until it has passed a long time.
Faith Tong said…
Hi Isabel,
I love how you were able to talk about both pros and cons of memories. My favorite memory is going to Hawaii and seeing the clear water, sunny skies, and eating the most delicious food I’ve ever had in my life. I love happy memories, they clear up my depressive mind and give me hope that I can feel happiness if I think about happy things. Happy memories also bring back good times, which explains why we as humans love to reminisce in our childhood. On the other hand, painful memories are so hard to get rid of, they’re kind of glued to me. But I accept it and take painful memories as a learning lesson!

Faith Tong

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